Sunday, 9 September 2012

And Finally

And so, we have completed our great journey: 3000+km with 17 kids, for 12 days & nights (an inconceivable endeavour for most teachers and adults we've met along the way) and a huge learning experience for us all.

The result? Widespread public and inter-school acclaim for their amazing skills, a nice kitty full of busking donations, lots of first-time life-experiences and treats and a journey they will never forget.

They performed to the general public at groovy market places, for kids in schools, for remote area kids in parks, for a statewide ABC radio audience, at the gigantic Darwin Entertainment Centre and even for the Chief Minister!

Nadine, the star of the interview — at Darwin.


warming up for the Entertainment Centre gig — at Darwin.

backstage, waiting in the wings before showtime — at Darwin.

Shon & Michelle — at Darwin.

More to see & enjoy


John Anderson shares his "Present" with the kids — at Darwin.

tuning in to the ABC interview — at Darwin.

maybe an album cover here...

Dunmarra haystacks

Photo: Dunmarra haystacks

tech rehearsal


these guys are awesome!

Going home

Photo: Going home

they actually had their old shirts on for this rehearsal






Saturday, 8 September 2012

Water park in Darwin


getting drenched!

Photo: Water park in Darwin

on the road again, all 1500km, headin' home, sweet home!

Leaving community
Photo: Leaving community
First stop, drop-off at Traeger Park, to a warm, footy-style welcome & last chance for a group photo! See you in Ltyentye Apurte soon as you can say.... Ltyentye Apurte!!
Photo: First stop, drop-off at Traeger Park, to a warm, footy-style welcome & last chance for a group photo! See you in Ltyentye Apurte soon as you can say.... Ltyentye Apurte!!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Ba-Boom - The Last Days in Darwin

today, soon on ABC radio - Artist Spotlight with Margo will feature the Ltyentye Apurte Drummers - 2 tracks & an interview with Shon & Nadine Oliver! Tune in to 105.7FM Darwin or 783FM Alice Springs at 2.45pm *

Gig for the Catholic Education Office today went very well. The Drummers have had plenty of rest and relaxation in the past couple of days & now, they are well-keyed up for their big concert appearance tonight! Yay ;-)
Photo: Gig for the Catholic Education Office today went very well. The Drummers have had plenty of rest and relaxation in the past couple of days & now, they are well-keyed up for their big concert appearance tonight! Yay ;-)
What's happening guy. We a having a wonderful time in Darwin so i hope you guys have a great time at school too. Signed by Dallas Williams
Hello we are having our last performance at entertainment centre. We are proud of you because you are following us. Thank you for supporting us. Signed by Maryanne Palmer


Bitter Springs, Mataranka

Photo: Bitter Springs, Mataranka

This is creative - lovely


some retro fun!

Photo: Just posted a photo via Vintage Camera